Picture Gallery

A before picture of an area with erosion problems.    

The after photo of a finished walk way constructed of 6x6 treated timbers and recycled stepping stones set in "river rock" aggregate.  A french drain installed is also fuctioning to allow for water to filter through the walk solving our erosion problem and creating an inviting pathway through the garden  

Low maintenance drought tolerant plants like this creeping phlox adds beautiful spring color while stabilizing a steep slope.  

Hardwood mulch installed at 2"-3" depth, suppresses weeds from growing and helps retain moisture for the plants.  Indian Hawthorne a drought tolerant low growing shrub, provides a foundation to the large planter while Green Fountain Grass and Zebra Miscanthus provide a backdrop.  The Kousa Dogwoods will provide color and are disease and insect resistant.  

Ornamental grasses, like this varigated miscanthus and red fountain grass create a nice focal point at the mailbox.  While flowering perennials Purple Cone Flower and Rudbeckia Goldstrum provide a drought tolerant color scheme well into the summer.  The ground cover lismachia, Creeping Jenny, creates a beautiful living mulch.   

A large Urn planted with Potato vine and red fountain grass thrives through the summer providing great color and texture.  Potato tubers produced this season can be saved and planted the following season.

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