
A letter from Karen Beeninga, May 12, 2011.  Karen was my first customer back in April Of 2001.  She writes:

Hi Tommy, thanks again for your great assistance yesterday, two months ago and last fall also at Dionne Way!!  Tommy Cowett has been the most helpful, industrious, knowledgeable, and courteous "helper" that I have ever had the pleasure of paying for services rendered.  I'm using the word "helper" because I usually need "help" in a desperate way.  He has the vision and the backbone to tackle and overcome trouble spots and is willing to do the hard work to prove it.  When I am behind with problems, he comes.  Every dollar I have paid to him has been well-spent and considered an investment in the futher beauty and enjoyment we have in our property.  Over time we have planted 100's of bushes and trees together.  He makes my visions come true!!  The only problem I have with giving a glowing testimonial for him is that he may have so much work that he cannot come help me!!  Tommy is my BFF, and my yard and planting beds are lovely!  Signed, Karen Beeninga  

They're Here!

It's not Rocket Science but we are trying!

Outer Space Landscape Services would like to introduce our Mascot "Curbit"

Curbit is from the planet curcurbitacea in the Watermelon Galaxy. 

Curbit is the greenest member of our crew and gives new meaning to the term "Going Green" .  He reminds us of how important it is to be friendly to the environment and helps us understand the latest technology available to produce sustainable landscapes.  Curbit was born with green thumbs and a gourd shaped head.  He has some out of this world ideas for your "Outdoor Space"

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